Nominating/Enlistment Ministry Team
This ministry team is responsible for annually bringing to the church nominations of officers, leaders, and volunteers for teams and workers for non-committee positions in the church.
Stewardship Ministry Team
This ministry team is responsible for coordinating the budgeting process, overseeing church financial needs, stewardship promotion, and stewardship education.
Foundation Ministry Team
This ministry team is responsible for managing the NBBC Foundation investments and expenditures according to the Foundation By-Laws.
Personnel Ministry Team
This ministry team is responsible for personnel matters with all staff, including salary, benefits, hiring, etc.
Property Ministry Team
This ministry team is responsible for the maintenance of all church property (building and grounds), and for making recommendations for necessary changes or additions.
Ordinance Ministry Team
This ministry team is responsible for the preparation of the Lord’s Supper, maintaining an adequate inventory of materials, and for assisting candidates for baptism.
Missions Ministry Team
This ministry team is responsible for developing and implementing a plan of missions involvement for the church which includes social ministries, Community Brunch, annual mission trip, and annual CBF Global missions offering.
Kitchen Ministry Team
This ministry team keeps the kitchen stocked on supplies, neat and straightened, and helps serve if necessary.
Decorating Ministry Team
This ministry team is responsible for securing flowers and other decorations as needed each Sunday in order to create an atmosphere of beauty in the worship center. It is responsible for beautifying the church for special occasions, such as Easter, Thanksgiving, and Advent.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible for all titles to and all records of church property; they shall handle all legal transactions authorized by the church.
Gift Based Teams
Children and Youth Ministry Team
This ministry team will assist the ministerial staff in developing and implementing the children's ministry program and the youth ministry program.
Fellowship Ministry Team
This ministry team is responsible for coordinating food or refreshments for any meeting, banquet, fellowship, etc. of the church.
Inreach Ministry Team
This ministry team is responsible for arranging meals for members, if needed, during times of bereavement due to the loss of an immediate family member (parents, children and spouse.) unless the ministerial staff or coordinator extends the privilege due to occasion or affiliation with the church.