We believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the supreme revelation of God, and from his life and teachings we learn the true nature of God.
We believe, based upon the revelation of God in Jesus Christ, that love is to be the basis of all relationships.
We believe that all people are created in the image of God, making every person a sacred gift from God.
We believe the world and all that is within it is created by God who calls us to be partners with God in caring for creation.
We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired gift of Holy Scripture given to God’s people to be used as an authoritative guide in the life of faith.
We believe in the power of prayer as a way of communing with God and interceding on behalf of others.
We believe that, led by the Holy Spirit, we are a priesthood of believers.
We believe the Church is the Body of Christ in the world, with every Christian a member of the Body.
We believe that North Broad Baptist Church, guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit, has been called by God to be a community of faith, accepting all who confess Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Because we hold these beliefs, we enter into this covenant:
We commit ourselves to the way of Jesus Christ as the foundation of our lives.
We commit ourselves to the corporate and individual worship of God, and to the faithful practice of baptism and Holy Communion, offering to God all that we are and have.
We commit ourselves to love one another as God has loved us.
We commit ourselves to value every person with equality and compassion, welcoming all into our fellowship.
We commit ourselves to the ministry of reconciliation, offering to all the grace of God, seeking to bring peace and unity to all our relationships.
We commit ourselves to evangelism and missions, making known through word and deed the love of God and the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
We commit ourselves to the faithful reading and thoughtful study of Scripture under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, seeking to understand and apply its truth to our daily lives.
We commit ourselves to support the ministries of the Church through the faithful giving of our money, time, and abilities.
We commit ourselves to minister to one another and to the community by meeting physical needs, nurturing emotional well-being, fostering spiritual growth, and supporting the family.
We commit ourselves to the corporate and individual practice of prayer.
We commit ourselves to preserve, promote and practice religious liberty by accepting and respecting the rights and responsibilities of the individual Christian, male and female, to live and to minister as led by the Holy Spirit; by affirming the autonomy of the local church; by upholding the separation of church and state; and by respecting the freedom of all people in matters of conscience.
We commit ourselves to voluntary cooperation with other Christian organizations and churches in the Body of Christ, demonstrating the power of God’s love through our unity.
We commit ourselves to the free and open exchange of ideas concerning the governance of the church, trusting that the Holy Spirit uses this exchange to reveal God’s will.
We commit ourselves to the faithful care and creative use of our land and buildings.
Believing that God has called us into this covenant relationship, relying on the power of God’s love and grace and giving support to one another, we joyfully pledge to keep these promises. Amen.